Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule Released GO.Ms 12 16/06/2015
Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule Released
Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule Released,the good news for teachers. The schedule was released regarding the transfer of teachers. released on 16/06/2015 the schedule for the transfer by the Deputy Chief Kadiyam Hari. The schedule available online. the teachers having atleast two years of service are eligible for the the migration program. the teachers who are working for the last Eight years at one place will be transferred immediately . the head masters who worked for five years will be transfered. Transfers from other parts of Ranga Reddy district,and on deputation will not be allowed.
- The Telangana Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2015 – Notified
Orders –Issued
G.O.Ms.No.12 Dated: 16.6.2015
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.33, Education (SE-Ser.III) Department, dated 02-5-2013
read with G.O.Ms.No.34, Education (SE-Ser.III) Department, dated 03-5-2013.
2. G O. Ms. No.15 Higher Education (TE) Department, dated 23-4-2015.
3. G.O. Ms. No.11, School Education (Ser.II) Department, dated 15-6-2015.
4. From the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.Tans/Ser.IV-2/2015,
dated 12.6.2015.
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In order to facilitate and regulate the transfers of Head Masters,
Grade II (Gazetted) and Teachers working in Government / ZPP / MPP Schools,
Government of Telangana have decided to issue the Rules relating to transfers.
2. In the G.O. 3rd read above, Orders
were issued for rationalisation of posts
and staff in Government, ZPP and MPP Schools.
3. Accordingly, the following
Notification shall be published in the Telangana Gazette:-
4. In exercise of the powers conferred
by Section 78 and 99 of Telangana Education Act, 1982 and under Article 309 of the Constitution of
India and in supersession of all the earlier Rules and Guidelines on Transfer
of Teachers, the Government of Telangana hereby makes the following Rules
regulating the transfers of the categories of Head Masters Gr.II (Gazetted),
School Assistants and S.G.T.s and their equivalent categories working in the Government Schools and Z.P.P.
and MPP Schools in the State of Telangana.
1. Short Title and Applicability:
1) These Rules shall be called the Telangana Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2015.
2) These Rules shall be applicable to Head Master, Gr.-II (Gazetted), School Assistants / SGTs and other equivalent categories working in Govt /Zilla Parishad/MPP Schools in the State of Telangana, herein after referred to as Teacher in these Rules.
3) These rules shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. Transfer counseling: All transfers shall be made by way of counseling through Transfer Committees constituted for each district / zone.
2) These Rules shall be applicable to Head Master, Gr.-II (Gazetted), School Assistants / SGTs and other equivalent categories working in Govt /Zilla Parishad/MPP Schools in the State of Telangana, herein after referred to as Teacher in these Rules.
3) These rules shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. Transfer counseling: All transfers shall be made by way of counseling through Transfer Committees constituted for each district / zone.
3. Schedule of transfers : The Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad shall draw the Schedule and communicate the same to the competent authorities for affecting transfers from time to time.
4. Competent authority for issue of transfer and posting orders:
The appointing authority concerned shall issue transfer and posting orders based on the recommendation of the Committee constituted for this purpose.
5. Criteria for Transfers: 1) The following categories of Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher in the Government / ZPP /MPP shall be transferred.
(a) Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted), who have completed (5) years of service in a particular School as on 1st July of the current year shall be compulsorily transferred, provided those who are going to retire within two years from 1st July of the current year shall not be shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.
(b) Teachers, who have completed (8) years service in a particular school as on 1st July of the current year shall be compulsorily transferred, provided those who are going to retire within two years from 1st July of the current year shall not be shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.
(c) The male Head Master Grade-II (Gazetted) /Teacher aged below 50 years as on 1st July of current year and working in Girls High School.
(d) The Head Master Grade-II (Gazetted) and the Subject Teacher concerned of the school in which the pass percentage in the S.S.C. Public Exam (March) is less than 25% shall be transferred to the schools located in Category-III / IV habitations. However, for want of Subject Teachers if the result is below 25%, the Head Master concerned shall not be made accountable and hence shall not be shifted. The Transfer Committee constituted should take up such transfers on first instance without reference to general transfer or entitlement points of the individuals.
2) If no women HMs / Teachers are available to work in Girls High Schools, then male HMs / Teachers who are over and above 50 years of age may be considered for posting to such Schools.
3) Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who has completed a minimum period of two years service in a category of post in a School as on 1st July of the current year shall be eligible to apply for transfer.
4) The eadHHead Masters Gr. II (Gazetted) / Teachers shifted under Rationalization i.e., Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and High Schools shall also participate in the Transfers Counseling, provided those who are going to retire within two years from 1st July of the current year shall not be shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such Transfer and next junior shall be shifted. If other junior Teacher is not available he/she shall be shifted.
5) The Head Masters, Gr.II (Gazetted) who has completed (5) year of service and Teacher who has completed (8) years of service as NCC Officer, shall be posted in a vacancy in a School where there is NCC unit.
6) All transfers shall be affected within the present Management, Agency Area to Agency Area, Plain Area to Plain Area.
6. Entitlement Points: I. Common points :Entitlement points shall be awarded to the Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted)/ Teacher who applies for Transfer in the following manner:
a) For service in the present School, basing on its location, as per the following scale, as on 1st July of the current year:-
i. Service in category IV areas: Five (5) points for every year of service and 0.416 for every month.
ii. Service in Category III areas: Three (3) points for every year of service and 0.25 for every completed month.
iii. Service in the Category II areas: Two (2) points for every year of service and 0.16 for every completed month.
iv. Service in the Category I areas: One (1) point for every year of service and 0.083 for every completed month.
Note 1:- The Habitations / Towns shall be classified into the following categories namely:-
i. Category – I: All Habitations / Towns where 20% and above HRA is admissible.
ii. Category –II: All Habitations / Towns where 14.5% HRA is admissible.
iii. Category –III: All Habitations / Towns where 12% HRA is admissible.
iv. Category-IV: All Habitations / Towns where 12 % HRA is admissible , and which do not have connectivity through an all weather road as per the norms of the Panchayath Raj ( Engineering) Department.
4. Competent authority for issue of transfer and posting orders:
The appointing authority concerned shall issue transfer and posting orders based on the recommendation of the Committee constituted for this purpose.
5. Criteria for Transfers: 1) The following categories of Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher in the Government / ZPP /MPP shall be transferred.
(a) Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted), who have completed (5) years of service in a particular School as on 1st July of the current year shall be compulsorily transferred, provided those who are going to retire within two years from 1st July of the current year shall not be shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.
(b) Teachers, who have completed (8) years service in a particular school as on 1st July of the current year shall be compulsorily transferred, provided those who are going to retire within two years from 1st July of the current year shall not be shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.
(c) The male Head Master Grade-II (Gazetted) /Teacher aged below 50 years as on 1st July of current year and working in Girls High School.
(d) The Head Master Grade-II (Gazetted) and the Subject Teacher concerned of the school in which the pass percentage in the S.S.C. Public Exam (March) is less than 25% shall be transferred to the schools located in Category-III / IV habitations. However, for want of Subject Teachers if the result is below 25%, the Head Master concerned shall not be made accountable and hence shall not be shifted. The Transfer Committee constituted should take up such transfers on first instance without reference to general transfer or entitlement points of the individuals.
2) If no women HMs / Teachers are available to work in Girls High Schools, then male HMs / Teachers who are over and above 50 years of age may be considered for posting to such Schools.
3) Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who has completed a minimum period of two years service in a category of post in a School as on 1st July of the current year shall be eligible to apply for transfer.
4) The eadHHead Masters Gr. II (Gazetted) / Teachers shifted under Rationalization i.e., Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and High Schools shall also participate in the Transfers Counseling, provided those who are going to retire within two years from 1st July of the current year shall not be shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such Transfer and next junior shall be shifted. If other junior Teacher is not available he/she shall be shifted.
5) The Head Masters, Gr.II (Gazetted) who has completed (5) year of service and Teacher who has completed (8) years of service as NCC Officer, shall be posted in a vacancy in a School where there is NCC unit.
6) All transfers shall be affected within the present Management, Agency Area to Agency Area, Plain Area to Plain Area.
6. Entitlement Points: I. Common points :Entitlement points shall be awarded to the Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted)/ Teacher who applies for Transfer in the following manner:
a) For service in the present School, basing on its location, as per the following scale, as on 1st July of the current year:-
i. Service in category IV areas: Five (5) points for every year of service and 0.416 for every month.
ii. Service in Category III areas: Three (3) points for every year of service and 0.25 for every completed month.
iii. Service in the Category II areas: Two (2) points for every year of service and 0.16 for every completed month.
iv. Service in the Category I areas: One (1) point for every year of service and 0.083 for every completed month.
Note 1:- The Habitations / Towns shall be classified into the following categories namely:-
i. Category – I: All Habitations / Towns where 20% and above HRA is admissible.
ii. Category –II: All Habitations / Towns where 14.5% HRA is admissible.
iii. Category –III: All Habitations / Towns where 12% HRA is admissible.
iv. Category-IV: All Habitations / Towns where 12 % HRA is admissible , and which do not have connectivity through an all weather road as per the norms of the Panchayath Raj ( Engineering) Department.
Note 2 : The District Collector shall publish the list of habitations in the district which do not have connectivity through all weather road as per the norms of Panchayath Raj ( Engineering ) Department in consultation with the Superintendent Engineer, P.R. of the district for this purpose, and the same shall be final.
(b) For the Service rendered: 0.041 point for every one month of the completed service in the total service in all categories as on 1st July of the current year.
II. Special Points (Extra Points):
a. The President and General Secretary of the Teachers' Associations having OD facility in terms G.O.Rt.No.1410, G.A.D. (Ser.Welfare) dated 20-05-2015 at the State and District Levels are eligible for ten (10) points.
b. Ten (10) points for un-married Head Mistress, Gr-II / Female Teacher.
c. Ten (10) points for Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher, whose spouse is working in State Government or Central Government or Public Sector undertaking or Local Body or Aided Institution in the same District and opted for transfer nearer to and towards the place of working of his/her spouse, benefit of spouse points shall be applicable to the Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) once in (5) years and Teachers once in (8) years. An entry shall be made in this regard in the Service Book. A copy of the Certificate issued by the competent authority shall be enclosed to the check list to consider cases under this category.
(b) For the Service rendered: 0.041 point for every one month of the completed service in the total service in all categories as on 1st July of the current year.
II. Special Points (Extra Points):
a. The President and General Secretary of the Teachers' Associations having OD facility in terms G.O.Rt.No.1410, G.A.D. (Ser.Welfare) dated 20-05-2015 at the State and District Levels are eligible for ten (10) points.
b. Ten (10) points for un-married Head Mistress, Gr-II / Female Teacher.
c. Ten (10) points for Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher, whose spouse is working in State Government or Central Government or Public Sector undertaking or Local Body or Aided Institution in the same District and opted for transfer nearer to and towards the place of working of his/her spouse, benefit of spouse points shall be applicable to the Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) once in (5) years and Teachers once in (8) years. An entry shall be made in this regard in the Service Book. A copy of the Certificate issued by the competent authority shall be enclosed to the check list to consider cases under this category.
III. Rationalization Points:
(a) For the Teachers who are affected by rationalization process they are eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured. The Teachers who have completed (8) years service are not eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured.
(b) The Teachers who were transferred during counseling 2013 and could not be relieved for want of substitute shall be relieved forthwith if posts exist after rationalization. If post does not exist after rationalization, he/she shall participate in transfer counseling and is entitled for (5) additional points.
IV. In case the entitlement points of two or more applicants are equal, the inter-se seniority shall be determined as below.
i. Applicants having disability of more than 40% but less than 70% (Visually challenged/ Ortho-handicap/ Hearing Impaired) shall take priority.
ii. Subject to the above, the seniority in the cadre shall be taken into account.
(a) For the Teachers who are affected by rationalization process they are eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured. The Teachers who have completed (8) years service are not eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured.
(b) The Teachers who were transferred during counseling 2013 and could not be relieved for want of substitute shall be relieved forthwith if posts exist after rationalization. If post does not exist after rationalization, he/she shall participate in transfer counseling and is entitled for (5) additional points.
IV. In case the entitlement points of two or more applicants are equal, the inter-se seniority shall be determined as below.
i. Applicants having disability of more than 40% but less than 70% (Visually challenged/ Ortho-handicap/ Hearing Impaired) shall take priority.
ii. Subject to the above, the seniority in the cadre shall be taken into account.
7. Performance Related Extra Entitlement Points :
a) The Teachers who have got National award issued by the Central Government will get (15) and who have got State award issued by the State Government will get (10) points respectively . He/she is eligible for only one category whichever is highest.
b) Entitlement points for Performance :
(i) Results of SSC in concerned subject for Teachers and overall percentage to HMs for High Schools only :
For 100% Results – 2.5 points.
For 99% to 95% Results – 2 points.
For 94% to 90% Results – 1 Point.
(ii) Resource persons conducted training programmes of SSA or RMSA for the last three years . He / she should have conducted minimum three programmes during the last three years :
State level – 5 points.
District level – 4 points.
Mandal level -2 points.
Provided that they should enclose a Certificate issued by the District Educational Officer in respect of State and District level trainings and Project Officer, RVM in respect of Mandal level trainings.
8. Preferential categories: The following categories shall take precedence in the seniority list, in the order given below, irrespective of their entitlement points.
a. Physically handicapped i.e., those with not less than 70% Visually challenged / ortho-handicap./ Hearing Impaired has to produce SADAREM Certificate or Medical Board certificate.
b. Widows.
c. Legally separated women and not remarried.
d. Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who is suffering with the following diseases, in which he/she is undergoing treatment:
I. Cancer.
II. Open Heart Surgery.
III. Neuro-Surgery.
IV. Bone T.B.
V. Kidney/Liver/Heart Transplantation.
e. Applicants with dependent children who are mentally retarded/ suffering from Leukaemia (Blood Cancer) and are undergoing treatment.
f. Applicants’ Children suffering with holes in the heart by birth and undergoing medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking transfers.
g. Applicants with dependant children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes.
Note 1: For the purpose of (d, e & f) above, a copy of the Certificate issued by a competent authority i.e., District Medical Board / State Medical Board should be enclosed to the application for consideration of preferential categories.
Note 2: The Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) should avail either the preferential category (Rule 8) or the special points (Rule 6 (II) (c) once in (5) years, and Teachers should avail either the preferential category (Rule 8) or the special points (Rule 6 (II) (c) once in (8) years, and an entry be made in the Service Book.
Note 3: The Teachers who have availed the preferential category or spouse category in the earlier transfer counseling and now shifted under Rationalization without completion of (8) years of service shall be given the respective benefits / entitlement points along with the Rationalization points.
9. Notification of vacancies : 1) The following vacancies shall be notified for the purpose of counseling.
a) All the vacancies arising due to compulsory transfers as per Rule 5.
b) Vacancies arising due to rationalization of posts
c) All the existing clear vacancies except the leave vacancies
d) Resultant vacancies arising during Counseling.
10. Publication of vacancies and seniority list.
1) The following lists shall be published in the website specified for the purpose and also displayed at the O/o Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officer
i) The lists of category wise schools (category I, II, III and IV),
ii) The School wise vacancy position of Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / School Assistant / Secondary Grade Teacher and equivalent categories for counseling.
iii) Subject to the procedure prescribed in clause
(2) below, the list of names of the Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who applied for transfer with entitlement points.
2) After the last date for applying for transfers as per Schedule, the seniority list shall be prepared, using software for generating the entitlement points, management wise, category wise, subject wise, medium wise (except Languages) and the seniority list with entitlement points shall be published in the website specified for the purpose and also on the notice board of District Educational Office / Regional Joint Director of School Education Office.
11. Online Application:
a) The Teachers who have got National award issued by the Central Government will get (15) and who have got State award issued by the State Government will get (10) points respectively . He/she is eligible for only one category whichever is highest.
b) Entitlement points for Performance :
(i) Results of SSC in concerned subject for Teachers and overall percentage to HMs for High Schools only :
For 100% Results – 2.5 points.
For 99% to 95% Results – 2 points.
For 94% to 90% Results – 1 Point.
(ii) Resource persons conducted training programmes of SSA or RMSA for the last three years . He / she should have conducted minimum three programmes during the last three years :
State level – 5 points.
District level – 4 points.
Mandal level -2 points.
Provided that they should enclose a Certificate issued by the District Educational Officer in respect of State and District level trainings and Project Officer, RVM in respect of Mandal level trainings.
8. Preferential categories: The following categories shall take precedence in the seniority list, in the order given below, irrespective of their entitlement points.
a. Physically handicapped i.e., those with not less than 70% Visually challenged / ortho-handicap./ Hearing Impaired has to produce SADAREM Certificate or Medical Board certificate.
b. Widows.
c. Legally separated women and not remarried.
d. Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who is suffering with the following diseases, in which he/she is undergoing treatment:
I. Cancer.
II. Open Heart Surgery.
III. Neuro-Surgery.
IV. Bone T.B.
V. Kidney/Liver/Heart Transplantation.
e. Applicants with dependent children who are mentally retarded/ suffering from Leukaemia (Blood Cancer) and are undergoing treatment.
f. Applicants’ Children suffering with holes in the heart by birth and undergoing medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking transfers.
g. Applicants with dependant children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes.
Note 1: For the purpose of (d, e & f) above, a copy of the Certificate issued by a competent authority i.e., District Medical Board / State Medical Board should be enclosed to the application for consideration of preferential categories.
Note 2: The Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) should avail either the preferential category (Rule 8) or the special points (Rule 6 (II) (c) once in (5) years, and Teachers should avail either the preferential category (Rule 8) or the special points (Rule 6 (II) (c) once in (8) years, and an entry be made in the Service Book.
Note 3: The Teachers who have availed the preferential category or spouse category in the earlier transfer counseling and now shifted under Rationalization without completion of (8) years of service shall be given the respective benefits / entitlement points along with the Rationalization points.
9. Notification of vacancies : 1) The following vacancies shall be notified for the purpose of counseling.
a) All the vacancies arising due to compulsory transfers as per Rule 5.
b) Vacancies arising due to rationalization of posts
c) All the existing clear vacancies except the leave vacancies
d) Resultant vacancies arising during Counseling.
10. Publication of vacancies and seniority list.
1) The following lists shall be published in the website specified for the purpose and also displayed at the O/o Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officer
i) The lists of category wise schools (category I, II, III and IV),
ii) The School wise vacancy position of Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / School Assistant / Secondary Grade Teacher and equivalent categories for counseling.
iii) Subject to the procedure prescribed in clause
(2) below, the list of names of the Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who applied for transfer with entitlement points.
2) After the last date for applying for transfers as per Schedule, the seniority list shall be prepared, using software for generating the entitlement points, management wise, category wise, subject wise, medium wise (except Languages) and the seniority list with entitlement points shall be published in the website specified for the purpose and also on the notice board of District Educational Office / Regional Joint Director of School Education Office.
11. Online Application:
1) The Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who is eligible as per the criteria prescribed in Rule 5 shall apply online through website specified for the purpose in the prescribed proforma and the particulars furnished in the proforma shall be final and no modification shall be allowed.
2) The applicants shall thereafter obtain the printout of the application from the specified website and submit the same duly signed to their respective authorities, viz., Mandal Educational Officer/Head Master High School / Deputy Educational Officer, as the case may be.
3) An applicant seeking to apply under Preferential categories / spouse category shall also submit along with application the latest Certificate from the competent authority in that regard.
4) If any Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who is compulsorily transferable under Rule 5 does not apply online or having applied does not attend the counseling (physical or online), he/she will be transferred to the available left over needy vacancies.
12. Receipt and disposal of objections:
1) Objections if any in respect of the seniority list and entitlement points published as per Rule 10(2) may be filed online or in writing before the District Educational Officer / Regional Joint Director of School Education, as the case may be, by any applicant together with evidence in support of such objection within the time specified for this purpose in the Schedule.
2) The District Educational Officer / Regional Joint Director of School Education, as the case may be, shall cause verification of all objections and pass orders disposing of the same. In cases where objections are upheld, the District Educational Officer/ Regional Joint Director of School Education shall cause the necessary corrections in the seniority list and publish the same on the website.
13. Committees for conducting counseling and transfers
The following Committees are constituted for the purpose of conducting counseling and transfers
(I) For Transfer of Head Master Gr. II (Gazetted) in Government High Schools
(a) Senior Officer of the Department nominated by the Director of School Education, not below the rank of a Joint Director.
(b) The Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned or his nominee as the Member Secretary.
(c) The District Educational Officer concerned as a Member.
i. The senior most officer shall be the Chairman of the Committee.
ii. The Committee shall be the competent authority for transfer of all Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) in the Government High Schools in the respective Zone. The transfer shall be affected within the Zone by way of counseling.
iii. The Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned shall be the competent authority to issue transfer and posting orders of the Head Masters Gr.II (Gazetted) working in Government High Schools, after the approval by the Committee.
(II) For Transfer of Head Master Gr. II (Gazetted) in Zilla Parishad High Schools:
(a) Chairman, ZP – Chairperson
(b) Collector – Vice Chairperson
(c) Joint Collector – Member.
(d) Chief Executive Officer Z. P. – Member.
(e) RJDSE or his nominee -- Member Secretary.
i. The Committee shall be the competent authority for transfer of all Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) in the ZP High Schools in the District.
ii. The Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned shall be the competent authority to issue transfer orders of the Head Masters Gr.II (Gazetted) working in ZP High Schools, after the approval by the Committee.
(III) For Transfer of Teachers in Government
High Schools
(a) Collector – Chairperson
(b) Joint Collector – Vice Chairperson
(c) Chief Executive Officer Z. P. – Member.
(d) District Educational Officer – Member Secretary.
(IV) For Transfer of Teachers in Zilla Parishad / MPP Schools
(a) Chairman, ZP – Chairperson.
(b) Collector – Vice Chairperson .
(c) Joint Collector - Member.
(d) Chief Executive Officer Z. P. – Member.
(e) District Educational Officer – Member Secretary.
Note: The District Educational Officer concerned shall be competent authority to issue transfer orders to all the Teachers working in the Government Schools and ZPP / MPP Schools after the approval by the Committee.
14. Issue of transfer Orders : 1) Based on the recommendations of the respective Committees, the appointing authorities concerned shall issue posting orders on the same day to all the HMs / Teachers. Individual transfer Orders shall be issued.
2) The Teacher / HM who are to be compulsorily transferred and who do not attend for counselling, shall be given posting orders in absentia for the left over required vacancies at the end of the counseling of that particular category of Teachers, in the presence of the Committee and in the counseling hall without fail.
3) Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher shall not be posted in the Schools located in the same Gram Panchayat, if they completed (5) years and (8) years of service respectively.
4) Once transfer orders are issued by the competent authority with the approval of the Committee, review or modification of the Orders shall not be considered, either by the Committee or by the competent authority.
5) In all the orders of the transfer the condition is to be included that the orders shall be subject to outcome of SLP in Supreme Court of India and other pending cases.
6) The transfers affected shall be displayed on website and also at the office of Regional Joint Director of School Education, District Educational Officer and ZP after completion of counseling.
15. Date of relief and Joining: 1) The Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teachers who are on transfer shall be relieved from the present place of working on receipt of the transfer orders and he / she shall join in the new school where they are posted on the next day of serving of orders..
2) A Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who does not so join cannot claim compulsory wait under any circumstances for any reason.
16 Appeal: 1) An appeal against the orders of the District Educational Officer shall lie with the Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned, and an appeal against the orders of the Regional Joint Director of School Education shall lie with the Director of School Education. Such appeal should be submitted within 10 days.
2) All such appeals shall be disposed off by the Appellate authorities concerned within 15 days from the date of receipt of the appeal.
3) The Teachers who have any grievance on the transfer counseling should avail all levels of appeal provisions before going for other legal remedies.
17. Revision: 1) The Director of School Education may either suo-moto or on an application received from any person aggrieved by the orders of the Transfer Committee may call for and examine the records in respect of any proceedings of transfer to satisfy himself about its regularity, legality or propriety. If, in any case, it appears to him that any such proceedings should be revised, modified, annulled or reversed or remitted for reconsideration, he may pass orders accordingly or remand the case with any direction so as to rectify any violation of rules or discrepancy. Such orders shall be implemented by the authority concerned.
2) The Director of School Education may stay the implementation of any such proceedings, pending exercise of its powers under sub-rule (1) above.
18. Punishment for furnishing false information / violation of rules :
1) Anybody who has submitted false information and Certificates, and the officers, who have countersigned such false information, shall be liable for disciplinary action in addition to prosecution, as per rules.
2) The Member-Secretary who has issued orders in violation of these rules or instructions issued by Director of School Education from time to time in the matter shall be liable for disciplinary action as per rules.
Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule Released
3) An applicant seeking to apply under Preferential categories / spouse category shall also submit along with application the latest Certificate from the competent authority in that regard.
4) If any Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who is compulsorily transferable under Rule 5 does not apply online or having applied does not attend the counseling (physical or online), he/she will be transferred to the available left over needy vacancies.
12. Receipt and disposal of objections:
1) Objections if any in respect of the seniority list and entitlement points published as per Rule 10(2) may be filed online or in writing before the District Educational Officer / Regional Joint Director of School Education, as the case may be, by any applicant together with evidence in support of such objection within the time specified for this purpose in the Schedule.
2) The District Educational Officer / Regional Joint Director of School Education, as the case may be, shall cause verification of all objections and pass orders disposing of the same. In cases where objections are upheld, the District Educational Officer/ Regional Joint Director of School Education shall cause the necessary corrections in the seniority list and publish the same on the website.
13. Committees for conducting counseling and transfers
The following Committees are constituted for the purpose of conducting counseling and transfers
(I) For Transfer of Head Master Gr. II (Gazetted) in Government High Schools
(a) Senior Officer of the Department nominated by the Director of School Education, not below the rank of a Joint Director.
(b) The Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned or his nominee as the Member Secretary.
(c) The District Educational Officer concerned as a Member.
i. The senior most officer shall be the Chairman of the Committee.
ii. The Committee shall be the competent authority for transfer of all Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) in the Government High Schools in the respective Zone. The transfer shall be affected within the Zone by way of counseling.
iii. The Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned shall be the competent authority to issue transfer and posting orders of the Head Masters Gr.II (Gazetted) working in Government High Schools, after the approval by the Committee.
(II) For Transfer of Head Master Gr. II (Gazetted) in Zilla Parishad High Schools:
(a) Chairman, ZP – Chairperson
(b) Collector – Vice Chairperson
(c) Joint Collector – Member.
(d) Chief Executive Officer Z. P. – Member.
(e) RJDSE or his nominee -- Member Secretary.
i. The Committee shall be the competent authority for transfer of all Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) in the ZP High Schools in the District.
ii. The Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned shall be the competent authority to issue transfer orders of the Head Masters Gr.II (Gazetted) working in ZP High Schools, after the approval by the Committee.
(III) For Transfer of Teachers in Government
High Schools
(a) Collector – Chairperson
(b) Joint Collector – Vice Chairperson
(c) Chief Executive Officer Z. P. – Member.
(d) District Educational Officer – Member Secretary.
(IV) For Transfer of Teachers in Zilla Parishad / MPP Schools
(a) Chairman, ZP – Chairperson.
(b) Collector – Vice Chairperson .
(c) Joint Collector - Member.
(d) Chief Executive Officer Z. P. – Member.
(e) District Educational Officer – Member Secretary.
Note: The District Educational Officer concerned shall be competent authority to issue transfer orders to all the Teachers working in the Government Schools and ZPP / MPP Schools after the approval by the Committee.
14. Issue of transfer Orders : 1) Based on the recommendations of the respective Committees, the appointing authorities concerned shall issue posting orders on the same day to all the HMs / Teachers. Individual transfer Orders shall be issued.
2) The Teacher / HM who are to be compulsorily transferred and who do not attend for counselling, shall be given posting orders in absentia for the left over required vacancies at the end of the counseling of that particular category of Teachers, in the presence of the Committee and in the counseling hall without fail.
3) Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher shall not be posted in the Schools located in the same Gram Panchayat, if they completed (5) years and (8) years of service respectively.
4) Once transfer orders are issued by the competent authority with the approval of the Committee, review or modification of the Orders shall not be considered, either by the Committee or by the competent authority.
5) In all the orders of the transfer the condition is to be included that the orders shall be subject to outcome of SLP in Supreme Court of India and other pending cases.
6) The transfers affected shall be displayed on website and also at the office of Regional Joint Director of School Education, District Educational Officer and ZP after completion of counseling.
15. Date of relief and Joining: 1) The Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teachers who are on transfer shall be relieved from the present place of working on receipt of the transfer orders and he / she shall join in the new school where they are posted on the next day of serving of orders..
2) A Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who does not so join cannot claim compulsory wait under any circumstances for any reason.
16 Appeal: 1) An appeal against the orders of the District Educational Officer shall lie with the Regional Joint Director of School Education concerned, and an appeal against the orders of the Regional Joint Director of School Education shall lie with the Director of School Education. Such appeal should be submitted within 10 days.
2) All such appeals shall be disposed off by the Appellate authorities concerned within 15 days from the date of receipt of the appeal.
3) The Teachers who have any grievance on the transfer counseling should avail all levels of appeal provisions before going for other legal remedies.
17. Revision: 1) The Director of School Education may either suo-moto or on an application received from any person aggrieved by the orders of the Transfer Committee may call for and examine the records in respect of any proceedings of transfer to satisfy himself about its regularity, legality or propriety. If, in any case, it appears to him that any such proceedings should be revised, modified, annulled or reversed or remitted for reconsideration, he may pass orders accordingly or remand the case with any direction so as to rectify any violation of rules or discrepancy. Such orders shall be implemented by the authority concerned.
2) The Director of School Education may stay the implementation of any such proceedings, pending exercise of its powers under sub-rule (1) above.
18. Punishment for furnishing false information / violation of rules :
1) Anybody who has submitted false information and Certificates, and the officers, who have countersigned such false information, shall be liable for disciplinary action in addition to prosecution, as per rules.
2) The Member-Secretary who has issued orders in violation of these rules or instructions issued by Director of School Education from time to time in the matter shall be liable for disciplinary action as per rules.
The Commissioner of Printing and Stationery,
Telangana State, Hyderabad for publication in the Telangana State Gazette and
furnish 1000 copies to the Government.
The Director of
School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad
All the
District Collectors in the State.
All the Project
Officers, ITDA in the State.
All the
District Educational Officers in the State.
All the Chief
Executive Officers, Zilla Parishad in the State.
The Regional
Joint Directors of School Education, Hyderabad and Warangal.
The Pay and
Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
The Accountant General,
Special Secretary to Chief Minister.
P.S. to Dy.Chief Minister and Minister for Education.
PS to Principal Secretary, Education.
General Administration (Ser) Department / Finance Department / PR & RD
Department / Social Welfare Department and Law Department.
Commissioner, Panchayat Raj / Commissioner, Social Welfare / Tribal Welfare,
Sections in School Education Department.
Associations in the State, through the Director of School Education,
copy to SF/SCs.
by order///
Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule Released
- The following is the tentative TS Teachers Transfers Schedule/Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule.
- Display of tentative vacancy list of Category wise schools: 14-06-2015
- Online Apply for Teachers transfers and submission of Transfer Application Form: 14-06-2015 to 20-06-2016
- Teachers need to apply online for Transfers.
- Vacancies: Display of final list of vacancies management wise (Govt/ZP/MP), category wise (SGT, School Assistant, LP and PET): 19.06.2015
- Teachers Transfers Seniority List announcement: 22.07.2015
- Display of Transfer Seniority List with entitlement points for transfers. Provisional seniority list for promotions 22.06.2015
- Submission of Objections on Telangana Teachers Transfers seniority lists with proof to the DEO concerned: 23.06.2015
- Redressal of objections/ grievance to the DEO from 24-06-2015 to 25-06-2015
- Display of final seniority list of transfers: 26.06.2015
Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule Released
Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule
Transfers for Head Masters of ZP/MP
Management at District Level and Head Masters of Government Management
Promotions for School Assistants as
Head Masters of ZP management at District Level and HMs of Govt Management in
Zonal level
Transfers of School Assistants in all
Subjects of Govt/ZP management at District Level and all LFL Head Masters
29.06.2015 to 01.07.2015
Promotions for SGTs as School
Assistants in all subjects of Govt./ZP management at district level and for
02.07.2015 to 03.07.2015
Transfers for SGTs and equivalent
cadres of ZP management and Govt Management
04.07.2015 to 08.07.2015
Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule Released
Telangana Teachers Transfer Schedule Released GO.Ms 12 16/06/2015
Reviewed by divya prabha
2:28 PM