simhachalam giri pradakshina 2017
simhachalam giri pradakshina 2017
simhachalam giri pradakshina 2017 around 5 lakh devotees expected to participate in Giri pradakshina in 2017 which starts on guru pournami every year.
devotees will start giri pradakshina at the foot hill (Toli pavancha) of simhachalam by offering coconut at 10 am at the foot of the hill.
on guru pournami every year the 32 km stretch of giri pradakshina starts this year 2017 it is on july 8th and would conclude by july 9th by 11am at the toli pavancha.
it is really great experience to go around the hill of 32 km stretch.
around 6 medical camps would be around the hill and few more on the stretch of 32 km.
around 30 service points would be set up for the convenience of the devotees.
every year the general mood of devotees are high and women are more than males.
two lakh devotees took part in 2013 and 2014.the number had gone upto 3 lakh in 2015 and touched 4 lakh in 2016 and around 5 lakh expecting this year 2017.
tips to follow while simhachalam giri pradakshina 2017
*the devotees not to carry heavy luggage.
*carry liquids like glucose and dry fruits for instant energy.
*water and food are being provided on the route by various organisations.
*no hurry and walk with the group to avoid stress.
*take rest frequently and massage the legs.
the route starts fro mthe foot hill of simhachalam , adavivaram, chinnagadili, arilova, hunumanthawaka, kailasagiri, appughar, venkojipalem, HB colony , muralinagar, madhavadhara, NAD junction, gopalapatnam and closes at the foot hill of simhachalam.
around 800 cops would be deployed in the west zone of the city police dept. the greater visakha municipal corporation would provide water sachets to devotees,while many voluntary organisations would provide lemon rice and others eateries en route.
the walkathlon would start from july 8 morning. around 70%of the devotees who take part in the trek conclude their walk at the steps of simhachalam.
simhachalam giri pradakshina 2017
Reviewed by divya prabha
11:34 AM

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