Pension to the retired employees in the 10th PRC, 2015 G.O.Ms.No.33 Dated: 07/04/2015
Pension to the retired employees in the 10th PRC, 2015 Orders- issued. G.O.Ms.No.33 Dated: 07/04/2015.
G.O.Ms.No.95 dt. 28/2/2013 orders were issuedconstituting 10th PRC and laying
down the terms ofreference of the PRC.
10th PRC submitted its report to theGovernment on 29/05/2014 and recommendedthe
following with respect to the pensionary benefits.
Consolidation of basic pension/ family
pension by merging the Dearness
as on 01/07/2013 and by adding the fitment of 29% to the Basic
/ Basic Family Pension.
To fix the Minimum Rs.6500/- p.m as pension.
To raise the minimum Financial Asst. to the minimum of familypension of
Rs.6,500/- p.m. with no Dearness Relief.
(iv) To continue the existing commutation table.Pensioners
PRC G.O Ms.No.33 of 07/04/2015.
3. In
G.O.Ms.No.25dt:18/03/2015,orders have been issuedrevising the Pay Scales of the
State Government Employees in pursuance of therecommendations of the 10th PRC
and discussionswith Employees Associations with effect from01/07/2013 and with
monetarybenefit from 02/06/2014.
After careful consideration of the above recommendations of the 10thPRC,
Government have decided to accept the same andhereby order as follows.
(a) The existing Pension/Family Pension, in respect of those retired ordied
while in service prior to 01/07/2013 and also in the case of familypensioners
who are in receipt of Family pension as on 1/7/2013,be consolidated, by adding
43% of fitment benefit on the said basicPension/ basic Family Pension and by
merging the Dearness Relief @63.344% admissible as on 01/07/2013 and the same
shall be knownas Revised Consolidated Basic Pension/ Revised ConsolidatedBasic
Family Pension.
The Revised Consolidated Basic Pension or Revised Consolidated Basic Family
Pension shall come into force with effect from01/07/2013 notionally and the
monetary benefit be allowed witheffect from 02/06/2014.
No change on Retirement Gratuity/Encashment of Earned Leaveshall be allowed in
case of employees who retired between 01/07/2013 and 01/06/2014.
As regards the arrears on account of consolidation of Pension/Familypension /
Financial Assistance from 02/06/2014 to 28/02/2015,orders will be issued
separately. The consolidated Pension and Family Pension shall be paid in cash
from the month of March 2015 payablein the month of April 2015.
While fixing the consolidated basic pension/basic family pension asabove, part
of a rupee, if any arrived, should be rounded off to the next higher rupee.
The Interim Relief paid from 01/01/2014 to 01/06/2014 shall not berecovered.
Interim Relief paid for the period beyond 02/06/2014 shall beadjusted from the
monetary benefit payable
on account of revision of consolidated
basic pension consolidated basic family pension.
8. While amalgamating
the Pension, the additional amount of pension paid to pensioners who attained mentioned ages, which is shown
distinctly,should be ignored.
9. A ready
reckoner has been appended to this order as Annexure –I. Thisready reckoner can
be used as reference for payment of the arrears ofpension and fixation of
Revised Consolidated Basic Pension/RevisedConsolidated Basic Family Pension
ordered above.
10. In the
case of employees who retired on or after 02/06/2014 thepension shall be
calculated on the pay in Revised Pay Scales 2015 only.
11.1 The
employees who retired between 01/07/2013 and 01/06/2014 are eligible for
revision of their pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015. As such, the pensions of
these employees have to be revised notionally based on the revised pay in
Revised PayScales, 2015 and monetary benefit should be allowed from 02/06/2014
11.2. No
difference on Retirement Gratuity/Encashment of Earned Leave shallbe allowed to
the pensioners on the pension notionally fixed as above.
11.3. However,
the difference in commutation value of pension shall beallowed on the pension
notionally fixed as above, keeping in view the directionsof the Hon’ble Supreme
Court of India dated.11/11/2005 inC.A.Nos.6780/2005 (arising out of SLP (Civil)
No.5394-5470/2004) and asper the orders issued in the reference 6th read above.
12. A
Government servant shall continue to be entitled to commute forlaumpsum payment
up to 40% of his pension. The existing Table of commutationvalue for pension
shall be continued.
13. Government
also hereby order for the payment of Dearness Relief on theRevised Consolidated
Basic Pension/ Revised Consolidated Basic FamilyPension as well as on the
Pension/ Family Pension fixed with reference to thepay drawn in the Revised Pay
Scales 2015 at the rates applicable from time totime with effect from 01/01/2014,
01/07/2014 as indicated below.
of effect
by the
of India.
rates of Dearness
14. The
Dearness Relief shall be rounded off to the next higherrupee.
15. These
orders are applicable to:
(1) All Gov.
Pensioners governed by the Andhra.Pradesh. Revised Pension Rules,1980.
(i) Who
retired or died prior to 01/07/2013.
(ii) Those who
retired or died between 01/07/2013 and 01/06/2014 without the benefit ofRevised
Pay Scales, 2015.
(iii) Those
who retired prior to 01/01/1996 drawing UGC pay scalesand whose pension was
ordered to be consolidated in the light oforders issued in G.O (P) No.95
Finance (Pen.I) Department dated01/08/2000.
(2) (a) All
Gov. Pensioners in receipt of Service Pensions, Family Pensions under Revised PR,
1951, the remnants of class-IV employees of Nizam-E-Jamiath of Ex Hyderabad Govt,AP
Liberalized Pension Rules 1961 and AP Govt Servants Rules (pension), 1964.
(b) Teaching
and non-teaching pensioners of Municipalities, Panchayat Raj and the aided
Educational Institutions who are in receiptof pensions under the Andhra Pradesh
Liberalised PensionRules,1961 and Andhra Pradesh Government Servants (Family Pension)
Rules, 1964 and A.P. Revised PR, 1980.
(c) The teaching
and non-teaching staff in the Educational Institutions in receipt of pensions
under the Contributory Provident Fund-cum-Pension and Gratuity Rules, 1961 and
Andhra Pradesh LiberalisedPension Rules, 1961.
(d) Those
drawing family pensions under G.O.Ms.No.22, F&P (FW.Pen-I) Dept, dt. 16/01/1971,
G.O.Ms.No.104,F& P [FW.Pen-I) Dept, dt. 13/04/1973 andG.O.Ms.No.25, F&P
(FW.Pen-I) Dept, dt. 02/02/1974.
(e) Pensioners
who are in receipt of benevolent Pension under the rules for compassionate
Pensions and Gratuities in the Hyderabad Civil Services Rules; and those in the
receipt of Pensions under the Extraordinary Pension Rules.
(3) Jagir and Estate Pensioners
16. The above
consolidation of pension does not apply to:
(i) Those who
are drawing pay in the Revised Pay Scale 2005/ RevisedU.G.C./ ICAR/AICTE Pay
Scales of 1996/2006 even if because ofadministrative reasons, they have not
actually drawn the pay in theirRevised Pay Scales as yet.
Pensioners and Family Pensioners of the members of the Andhra Pradesh State Higher
Judicial Service and Andhra Pradesh StateJudicial Service.
Financial Asst. grantees who are not getting the Dearness Relief.
iv) Those who
are appointed on or after 01/09/2004.
17. Revised
Consolidated Basic Pension now sanctioned shall be workedout with reference to
the gross Pension i.e. including commuted portion ofPension. As such, the
commuted portion of pension which remains unaltered ,should be deducted from
the Revised Consolidated Basic Pension while making monthly disbursements.
18. In respect
of pensioners and family pensioners who are re-employed,employed, respectively,
their pension/ family pension shall also be notionallyconsolidated and Revised
Consolidated Basic Pension/ Revised ConsolidatedBasic Family pension arrived at
notionally. The pay drawn by the re-employedpensioners during the period of
re-employment shall also be re-fixed taking intoaccount the Revised
Consolidated Basic Pension. Dearness Relief beyond01/07/2013 will not be
admissible to them during the period of re-employmentas per the orders issued
in G.O.Ms.No.145, Finance and Planning (FW.PSC)Department dated 16/10/2000.
19. At the
time of noting Revised Consolidated Basic Pension on thePension Payment Order,
the Pension Disbursing Officer shall simultaneouslycalculate and note the
corresponding Revised Consolidated Basic EnhancedFamily Pension and Revised
Consolidated Basic Normal Family Pension on thePension Payment orders. Correspondingly,
where Enhanced Family Pension will be paid and the Normal Family Pension will be paid in
future should also be consolidated and noted on the Pension payment Orders.
20. The
pension disbursing officers shall communicate the amount ofRevised Consolidated
Basic Pension and Revised Consolidated Basic EnhancedFamily Pension /Revised
Consolidated Basic Normal Family Pension to all theservice pensioners, family
pensioners and obtain their acknowledgment in tokenof having received the same.
Simultaneously, the details of Revised ConsolidatedBasic Pension/ Revised
Consolidated basic Family Pension shall be kept in thewebsite.
21. Government
also hereby order that the existing Minimum Pension ofRs.3350/- p.m. shall be
enhanced to Rs.6500/- p.m. This enhancement shallcome into force with effect
from 01/07/2013, with the monetary benefit from02/06/2014 and the arrears shall
be paid as mentioned in para 5 above.
22. In respect
of pensioners, whose Revised Consolidated Basic Pension/Revised Consolidated
Basic Family Pension falls short of Rs.6500/, the same shall be elevated to
Rs.6500/- pm.
Enhancement of minimum pension shall apply to thosepensioners referred to in
para 15 above and Pensioners who are in receipt ofFamily Pension under
G.O.Ms.No.83, Finance and Planning (FW.Pen-I)Department, dated 05/03/1983 and
G.O.Ms.No.314, Finance and Planning(FW.Pen-I) Department, dated 21/11/1983.
24. The
minimum pension is inclusive of commuted part of pension.As such commuted part
of pension will be deducted from the minimum pension of Rs.6,500/- per month
while making monthly disbursement exceptin respect of pensioners whose
commutation is restored as per the existingorders.
25. Government
also hereby order that the existing Financial Assistance ofRs.3,350/- p.m.
shall be revised and placed at the minimum of family pensionof Rs.6,500/- p.m.
No Dearness Relief will be admissible on this FinancialAssistance. This
enhancement shall come into force with effect from01/07/2013, with the monetary
benefit from 02/06/2014 and arrears to be paidas mentioned in Para 5 above.
26. In respect
of pensioners drawing two pensions, Service Pension and the Family Pension,
both the pensions will be separately eligible for enhancement to a min. of
Rs.6,500/- pm. The employed Family Pensioner shall be entitled for payment of
Dearness Relief on Family Pension irrespective of thefact that he/she is
getting Dearness Allowance on his/her pay. The provision, shall not be
applicable to the Government employees who are appointed on compassionate
27. All
Pension Disbursing Officers, i.e. all Treasury Officers/PensionPayment Officers
are requested to implement these orders without any furtherauthorization from
the Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Hyderabad/ Dir.
of State Audit, Telangana, Hyderabad.
28. The
expenditure is allocable among the various States in accordancewith the
provisions of G.O.Ms.No.198 Finance Department, dated.10/07/1969,G.O. Ms. No.
97 Finance (PSC) Department, dated.07/05/2014, G.O.Ms.No.122Finance (Pen.I)
Department, dated 22/05/2014 and also as per instructionsissued vide Circular
Memo No. 9665/125/PSC/2014 Finance (PSC) Departmentdt. 06/05/2014.
In respect of the categories of employees who are not covered for payment
through the coffer, the expenditure shall be owned to the Pension Funds of the concerned
Institutions/ Bodies.
telangana10th prc pay fixation
telangana10th prc pay fixation
Pension to the retired employees in the 10th PRC, 2015 G.O.Ms.No.33 Dated: 07/04/2015
Reviewed by divya prabha
11:10 PM

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